Member Updates

Roads Update
Posted on October 14, 2023 1:46 PM by Admin
Categories: Roads
The 2022/2023 winter was tough on all of our roads. Although we started with two part-time plow operators for our roads, the season proved to be demanding, and we eventually hired a specialized contractor to assist with widening our roads. We have increased to four part-time plow operators for the 2023/2024 season.
The long and harsh winter also had a negative effect on many of the roads owned by the POA. To address this, the POA staff has been working to spread road base in various locations to repair road damage and improve drainage. The access road leading to Plat-C reservoir was improved to allow the water tank repair crew to access the site (see water update). Road base was recently placed on the south end of Mountain Way to enhance the road's condition, in conjunction with maintenance efforts by other neighboring landowners. Red Pine Dr. was graded and had additional road base spread on the southern end.

To help with dust abatement and water spreading, a water truck was purchased and will be put into action in 2024.
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