Member Requests

The following is information necessary for obtaining Plan Approval as per the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Bear Lake West Properties, Plats B & C (CC&Rs). 
1. To obtain Plan Approval, first submit plans via this form and all necessary fees (application fee, association fees and bond) to Bear Lake West POA.  In order to obtain timely approval, you are encouraged to provide all applications to the BLW Board of Directors, see CONTACT SUBMISSION INFORMATION on last page of submission form.
Bear Lake County requires a copy of this approval prior to issuing a Bear Lake County Building Permit.  The County may require that lots be surveyed by a certified Surveyor prior to the County issuing a permit. If the County requires a Building Permit, approval from the Association is also required.
Modifications and additions (that stay within the set-back requirements) will not require Association approval.
Keep in mind, the POA CC&Rs do NOT allow any short term rentals. 
The application fee is $1,000 (or $500 for small projects such as single car garages, sheds, greenhouses that stay within the set-back requirements and require county permits); the water hookup fee is $6,000 (if not previously paid).
In addition there is also a $10,000, or $2,500 for small projects, performance bond on all new construction (bond will be returned if all requirements of the application are met. If items such as road damage, culverts, and site clean-up, screening of propane tanks, delinquent fees, or other requirements are not met, bond will be used to bring what ever the deficiency is into compliance and the remainder returned. If construction is completed during winter months, inspection will be completed as weather permits/roads and property are able to be inspected.  If home is sold all requirements must be met prior to closing, if not bond will be used to comply. If there is a failure to have sanitary facilities on site, the cost of providing them will be deducted from the bond plus a $1,000 penalty.) 
        Our mailing address for fees is:
         Bear Lake West POA
         PO Box 281
         Garden City, UT 84028
2. Owner is responsible for the water line from the meter to the house. A meter will be installed once the trench is open by the home owner or contractor from the house to the street hookup location. No connections are to be made to the water system until the meter is installed. The water hookup location is identified by a water stop valve marker (3” round steel marker).  No water meters will be installed between Nov 15 and April 15.  The sewer line and hookup are the responsibility of the lot owner.  The sewer hookup location is identified by a ruff cut 2” X 4” placed at end of hookup.  Do not remove or destroy the water or sewer markers. 
3. No surface disturbing activities are to be conducted prior to the water hook-up and sewer stub being located.
4. Setback Requirements:
a. Minimum dwelling setbacks shall be 30 feet for front lines (County setback on the front is 30 feet from what ever extends out the farthest i.e.; roof, deck), along a line  paralleling the front property line (both front and side lines if corner lot), 5 feet for side lines, along a line paralleling side property lines, and 5 feet for rear lines, along a line paralleling the real property line.
b. Garage, carport and building setbacks (not habitable rooms) shall comply with Bear Lake County requirements.
c. No dwelling may be constructed nearer than 25 feet from a dwelling on an adjacent lot, and no accessory building shall be constructed nearer than 15 feet from a dwelling on an adjacent lot. (First issued building permit shall prevail in situations where buildings are planned but not yet constructed on adjacent lots.) Such permits shall be good for one year only. 
5. Building Requirements:
a. No temporary house, trailer, camper, tent, garage, or other out-building shall be placed or erected on any lot; provided, however, that the Board may grant permission for such temporary structure for temporary occupancy or storage of materials during construction. During construction sanitary facilities such as portable outside chemical toilet must be provided. Failure to have sanitary facilities on site will result in the cost of the fees to provide such services deducted from the bond plus a $1,000 penalty. All construction waste and garbage is to be removed from the site. No construction wastes or materials are to be placed in dumpsters provided for household waste, but are to be removed to a proper landfill or placed in contractors dumpster(s).
b. Once construction of improvements is started, the improvements must be completed in accordance with plans and specifications within forty eight (48) months from commencement. This requirement applies to the exterior of the building and elimination of all construction scars and installation of basic landscaping on the lot, as well as the driveway. If additional time is needed to complete construction as required, the lot owner must ask for and receive an extension from the Board.
c. All permanent dwellings must meet the following requirements: No permanent dwelling having a ground floor living area of less than 800 square feet, exclusive of open porches, pergolas or attached garage, if any, shall be erected, permitted or maintained on any of said lots. Prefabricated homes that are assembled at a plant and transported on a trailer will require special approval by the Board. All dwellings shall be set on permanent foundations or piers. Architecture/construction and exterior building and roofing color shall be so that all dwellings are conducive to the rustic or mountain setting and must be approved by the Board. 
d. Height of buildings is limited to two stories above ground level, interpreted to be a maximum of twenty-nine (29) feet; lofts are considered as a second story. Basements, including walkout basements, are not considered as above ground when one side or corner of the foundation is seventy-five percent (75%) below ground level. Variation from approved plans must have Board approval. For non-compliance with the CC&R’s or with any requirements of the Association, bonds will be taken, fines may be assessed and water may be denied. 
e. ALL DRIVEWAYS AND DRIVE APPROACHES that egress onto County Roads or Roads Maintained by the County MUST obtain an encroachment permit from Bear Lake County Road and Bridge Department. Only ONE driveway is allowed from any lot onto any road. Parking areas or driveways through or onto common areas are strictly prohibited. 
6. Where there is drainage across driveways to dwelling or garages, a culvert of a minimum size (12” ) that will accommodate drainage must be installed in driveways as specified by Bear Lake County.
7. Water usage: All water usage is metered and meters are read once a year. Water rates are on a sliding scale, the more that is used, the higher the rate. Owners are restricted to 2,000 square feet of landscaping (lawns, flower beds, and gardens, etc.) that requires outside watering. 
No surface disturbing activities are to take place prior to Plan Approval being issued by Bear Lake West Property Owners Association. 
Building: Application Request
Optional Attachments

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